How AI Tools Help Generate Catchy Business Names?

Explore the benefits of using AI tools to come up with memorable business names. Find out more on our website today!

A business name is catchy if it’s easy to pronounce, unique, and self-explanatory for your brand’s services/products. However, creating one by yourself can be a time-consuming and painstaking process.


But, today many AI tools such as AI business name generators are freely available on the internet. These tools leverage their advanced algorithms to do the job quickly and efficiently.


In this post, we will see how you can utilize AI tools to help come up with a catchy business name. We will provide work demos and everything so you can follow along nicely.


So, without any further ado. Let’s get started.


The Process of Generating Attractive Business Names with AI


Below, we have mentioned the step-by-step process to utilize AI tools for generating impactful names for your brand.


  1.   Finding a reliable AI business name generator


It takes a bit of effort to find a valid business name generator. Some are strong but require paid subscriptions, log-ins, sign-ups, etc. While, the free ones are too basic to handle complicated tasks and provide vague, ambiguous names.


Hence, we searched online and came across the AI Business Name generator by Editpad. The tool is freely available, while also providing decent depth to its answers. We’ll be using it as a reference and demonstrative tool in our article. You can use this tool as well or find one that you like more.


Below is the screenshot for the main menu of the tool:


main menu of the tool



The AI tools like the one shown above expedite the brainstorming sessions. They provide you with great ideas in a matter of seconds! You don’t have to necessarily copy from the tool, you can append to its creativity and create even more wonders!


However, be wary that the AI name generators are also vulnerable to errors and attacks. Sometimes, a random bug on the site can halt the working process, or even provide inaccurate results. So, overreliance on the tool is not recommended.


        2.   Understanding the tool


Now, let’s understand all the options available in such a tool and how they can help us. Do note that the options we’re discussing below are present in Editpad’s Business Name Generator and they might not be the same in other tools.


Choosing the Business Niche


Niche is the industry in which your company is located. For instance, if your business is about providing multi-media technology to institutes. Then, your likely niche is ‘Education and Training.’


Pinning down the business niche can be very helpful to get exact answers. Otherwise, you’ll get names that are either too broad or irrelevant to your field of expertise. Such names won’t be catchy as they’ll be unable to connect with your company’s background.


Writing the correct keywords


Keywords are the words around which your whole brand is concentrated. Write these relevant to your business and conduct detailed research, if necessary.


Continuing our above example, we chose the keywords ‘School and Colleges Multimedia Provider.’ 


Selecting an appropriate ‘Number of Names


You can choose how many names you want for your brand. Then, you can get the vote of your audience, or major stakeholders to decide the best option possible.


For our worked example, we left the default value of ‘No. of Names’ as ‘5.’ This is how the interface looks like after selecting all the relevant settings.


Number of Names

3.  Extracting the results


Lastly, get the results from the tool by clicking the green ‘Generate Names’ button. You’ll see the five best name options for your brand. 


Below is the screenshot of the results we got for our work example.


Extracting the results


As you can see, the options seem to be very catchy and attractive for the audience. The names are evocative, unique, and easy to pronounce.


Most importantly, the name options are self-explanatory. Meaning, that the audience needs no reminders as to what the company does or provides.


Out of the options, you can also make an acronym. For example, picking the name SmartSchool Technologies can be shortened to ‘SST.’ These short forms sound super catchy as your brand can get easy word-of-mouth marketing.


So, utilizing AI generators has a 2-in-1 benefit. They can suggest strong names and also provide ideas for acronyms that you can utilize in brandings, digitization, etc.


Final Words


Utilizing the AI-based business name generators can be super helpful to save time and resources.


However, it’s no surprise that the tools are still prone to mistakes. So, keep a diligent eye on the results, analyze the end products, and utilize them, accordingly.

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